With a theme of Building a Brighter Future, this year’s 8th annual Indiana Asian American Conference brings together a diverse group of panelists and workshop facilitators to inspire participants to build a brighter future for themselves and the world around them. Organized by the Asian American Association at Indiana University, this conference features a mental health workshop by Crimson Corps, a political history workshop about AAPI 9-Man volleyball, a keynote speech by AAA at IU founder David Chih, and a career panel consisting of startup co-founder Tony Chan, family medicine physician Dr. Tiffany Chang, Director and Professor of Medicine at IU Dr. John Wo, and IU alumni Jelena Nguyen and Tori Sam. Participants will leave the conference with a greater understanding of how to incorporate change into their lives and be inspired by the historical and contemporary impacts made by Asian Americans in the U.S.
When? Saturday March 5th from 10:00AM – 4:00PM
Where? GISB 0001
Dress Code? Business Professional
Keynote Speaker
David Chih
Dr. David Chih is the current director of the Asian American Cultural Center at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
In 1987, when he was a Junior at IUB, David Chih founded AAA because he felt that available Asian and minority student organizations did not reflect his experiences as an American growing up with Asian heritage. The group started informally with 10 members. Within a year, it grew large enough to formalize with goals, board officers, and a vision to provide a social space for IUB Asian American students. As the organization’s president, Chih expressed their desire for an Asian Culture Center and Asian American courses.