Our Mission

The Asian American Association at Indiana University is a non-profit organization established in 1987 for the purposes of:

Instilling and maintaining a spirit of community among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders at Indiana University, as well as those interested in learning about the AAPI experience

Promoting a broad-reaching awareness of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders political issues and active presence on this campus

Fostering cultural understanding in the campus community as a whole, bridging gaps between Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and all peoples of this university

Latest Updates

November Mass Meeting

📅November 4th @ 7 PM
📍Biology 124

Join Our GroupMe!

Grave Rave

📅November 2nd @ 10pm-2am

AAA Sports Day

📅October 20th @ 4-7PM
📍 Tulip Tree Playground

October Mass Meeting

📅October 7th @ 7:30PM
📍 Woodburn 100

Mooncake Mixer

📅September 20th @ 5-7PM
📍 Hamilton Lugar School Lawn